Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

My Food Sensitivity Test

Don't you love a dietitian that believes in full disclosure? Its fun right?
I have been working with ALCAT, a food sensitivity testing company for over a year now with my patients with great results. Since I am newly married, and kids are the next step, I finally decided to get a test done myself to see if there is anything I'm eating that is causing inflammation in my body that I don't know about!

I chose to do the big test. Go big or go home right? Save up, it costs $1,099 bucks. Ouch. These tests aren't covered by insurance because they don't cause life/death reactions, they are more symptomatic reactions. The tests range from $300 - $1000 depending on how much stuff it tests for. See the list of testing panels here: https://www.alcat.com/store/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=1

The ALCAT Platinum Comprehensive Test
-200 Foods
-20 Food Additives/Colorings
-10 Antibiotics
-10 Anti-inflammatory agents
-10 Environmental Chemicals
-20 Molds
-50 Functional Foods & Medicinal Herbs

Step One: Get the test done. Come get the test kit from me, and take it to the lab. The closest lab is here in Redmond - http://www.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=103562171983971674590.00048082ee0030681cc15&ll=47.678801,-122.123798&spn=0.00123,0.001692&z=19

Step Two: Review your results... alone and with an RD!

Here are my ALCAT Test Results... Click "Fullscreen" at the bottom to see.

So I'm highly sensitive to a few tough things, I found that BHT is in my deodorant that I use every day. I'm moderately sensitive to a few staples, chicken, beef, wheat and dairy and also moderately sensitive to aspirin and ibuprofen (Advil) which is good to know!


Step Three: Remove Severe & Moderate Reactions. Leave the Mild reactions below.

Ill be removing these over the next month, so stay tuned for an update!

For more info, email me or stop in Crave Health to review your testing options. Ashley@crave-health.com

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