Minggu, 31 Agustus 2014

A Fatty Liver is Caused by an Acidic Lifestyle and Diet!

Fatty liver occurs when excess fat accumulates inside liver cells to protect it from excess metabolic and dietary acids. This means normal, healthy liver tissue becomes partly replaced with fatty tissue to protect against the acidic waste products of lifestyle and diet.

The fat starts to increase in the liver, gradually infiltrating the healthy liver areas, so that less and less healthy

Dr. Robert O. Young with Dr. John Gray

Dr. John Gray of Women are From Venus, Men are are From Mars, with Dr. Robert O. Young, research scientist at The pH Miracle Center and Tina Park from South Korea at the pH Miracle Center in Valley Center, California. www.phmiracle.com


Sabtu, 30 Agustus 2014

The pH Miracle Water

I stopped in to one of our stores, Oceana Market in Pacifica, California, the other day and saw this cool front end cap display right across from the registers of Dr. Robert O. Young's alkaline pH Miracle Water. It's the pallet we placed and it's selling very well! So well that I restocked a bunch of the pH Miracle Water from the back while I was there and several cases had already been

Your Mood Could Improve With the Help of a Brain Ultrasound

In 2002 a UCLA group led by Alexander Bystritsky noticed beneficial side effects in psychiatric patients whose brains were imaged by TUS. A team led by Virginia Tech's W. Jamie Tyler has shown TUS-induced behavioral and electrophysiological changes in animals.A Harvard group led by S-S Yoo has used focused ultrasound aimed at mouse motor cortex to wag the mouse's tail. But clinical trials of

Breast Calcifications

Breast calcifications are calcium deposits within breast tissue. They appear as white spots on ultrasound and are usually so small to feel them. 

Calcifications do not always mean breast cancer. There are benign conditions that can show up as calcifications on an ultrasound. This includes old injury to breast tissue, calcium and fluid mixed in a breast cyst and arteries clogged with calcium

The pH Miracle Water

Agua Alkalina pH Miracle Living de Robert O Young.De venta solo en ESTADOS UNIDOS.http://www.phmiracleliving.mx/index.php/productos/ionizadores-y-agua/ph-miracle-bottled-alkaline-water-detail


Russian Comedina Yakov Smirnoff Embraces The pH Miracle Lifestyle!

Russian comedian Yakov Smirnoff, an advocate of the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet, with Dr. Robert O. Young. Learn more about a self-care to a self-cure lifestyle for ALL sickness and disease by reading The pH Miracle revised and updated book - www.phmiracle.com

Jumat, 29 Agustus 2014



Healthy Eating Without Killing the Nutrition


JULY 23, 2014

Two Months after being in hospital with an attack of colitis (January 2012), I would go as far as to state as far as I’m concerned, I didn’t have IBD anymore. This might be a case of positive thinking, but I didn’t have any pain or

Rabu, 27 Agustus 2014


So, I've been working out again (on my own- no trainer), but I learned so much while working out with him and have continued to do the type of workouts we did.  Our workouts consisted of "active rests" which sounds like a contradiction, because you really aren't "resting" at all between exercises, unless it's just to catch your breath.  So, if I'm doing squats, in between sets, I might do 30 jumping jacks, jump squats, lunges, push-ups, etc.  Or, I just move quickly between exercises.  

I tracked my workouts on my iPhone in the Notes app so I could share them with you.  I didn't always write down the "rest" exercise I did, or I was just going from one exercise to the next with little rest. You can add in anything that keeps your heart rate up- a lap around the gym, step-ups, jumping jacks, burpees, etc.

I start my workout with 30 minutes of medium-hard cardio (typically the treadmill at intervals of  incline at 15-18 and speed 2.5-3.0) or the stair master (set at intervals of 60-80).  (Once a week, I'm running with a group of moms around our local park, 3 miles, and I don't do weights that day.) 

Then, I do as much weight workout as I can fit into 30-45 minutes, depending on my schedule.  Below is what my workouts looked like last week. I'm doing glute kickbacks several times a week to work on building my booty. 

Squats- 65 lb x 15 reps (4 sets)
Walking lunges- 15 lb kettleballs each x 50 steps (each leg counts as one step) (2 sets)
     Push-ups- 15 (2 sets) 
Hip Adduction- 50 lbs x 20 reps (4 sets)
Hip Abduction- 50 lbs x 20 reps (4 sets)
     Go back and forth from adduction to abduction machine 
Seated leg curls- 45 lbs x 15 reps (4 sets)
Glute kickback- 70 lbs x 20 reps (3 sets) 
*1:15 minutes w/ cardio

Shoulder press- 10 lb each x 20 reps (4 sets)
Lateral raise- 7.5 lb each x 10 reps (4 sets)
Punches- 7.5 lb each x 10 (4 sets) *my favorite
Rear delt fly- 30 lb total x 12 (3 sets)
Glute kickback- 70 lbs x 15 reps (3 sets) 
*1:15 minutes w/ cardio

Curls- 10 lb each x 15 (4 sets)
Punches- 7.5 lb each x 15 (4 sets)
Dips (on floor bench)- body weight x 15 (4 sets)
21s- 20 lb barbell x (3 sets)
Dips (on machine)- 52 lb assist x 15 (4 sets)
Curtsies - 15 each leg 
*1:05 minutes w/ cardio

Pull-ups- 60 lb (assist) x 12 (4 sets)
Seated rows- 45 lb x 15 (3 sets)
Lat pulldown- 50 lb x 15 (4)
Glute kickback- 70 lbs x 15 reps (3 sets) 
*1:10 minutes w/ 36 min cardio (I went over)

It feels great to get back to working out!  There's a mom at my son's school who's become a good friend of mine and we encourage each other everyday with our workouts and eating.  We text each other after our workouts and it really helps to have that person to help keep you accountable.  Do you agree? 

Local ALS Doctor With ALS Takes The 'ICE-BUCKET CHALLENGE'!

Local ALS Doctor With ALS Takes The 'ICE-BUCKET CHALLENGE'!

For over 2 decades Dr. Craig Oster has been following the alkaline lifestyle and diet as HIS drug-free approach to slow down the acidic symptoms of ALS -

Watch this doctor with ALS take the ice-bucket challenge -http://www.wlns.com/story/26359920/local-doctors-personal-battle-with-als

Dr. Oster and a team of natural doctors,

Selasa, 26 Agustus 2014

The Many Health Benefits of the pH Miracle Far-Infrared Sauna

The pH Miracle Portable Far Infrared Ray Sauna (FIR)

If you are looking for the most advanced Far Infrared Technology, then you are Here! We may not be made out of pretty wood, but what makes a FIR Sauna so effective is the generator of the FIR Light that interacts and pulsates your water molecules, creating an increase in core temperature, an increase in circulation, and an increase in lymph

Medical Science Investigates the Benefits of Broccoli Sprouts

Medical science is finally understanding the power of sprouts and especially broccoli sprouts. Check out the following link and share the good news about the power of broccoli sprouts in the prevention and treatment of cancer. And one last note: We have the only concentrated organic broccoli juice in the World that is stable for up to 12 months! The good news is you can start drinking

Senin, 25 Agustus 2014

Soda, Diet Soda, Aspartame, Formaldehyde, Chicken ALL Linked To ALS or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

ALS or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, 1156 deaths in a million person study 1982-2004, correlates with years of formaldehyde exposure [aspartame diet soda sold after fall 1983], MG Weisskopf et al, Harvard SPH 2008.04.16: Rich Murray 2008.09.20


Saturday, September 20, 2008



Looks Good and Tastes Good!

Hola familia alcalina, tras unos dias de vacaciones con la familia, volvemos con muchas ganas de potenciar este estilo de vida que tan buenos resultados da a quien los sigue.

Personalmente, estoy muy agradecido de las enseñanzas de nuestro loco preferido Robert O Young, y otros como Favio Jesse Franco y Fausto Guerra, que son toda una fuente de inspiración. Gracias tambien a Alkaline Care, 

Happy Birthday Glenn!

Glenn and Lori Stone with Dr. Robert O. Young on Glenn's 58th birthday. We celebrated his commitment to life, love and his service to others. Glenn and Lori are both pH Miracles and pH Miracle Coaches. Congratulations Glenn and God bless you and your family. www.phmiracle.com



Louis Pasteur en su lecho de muerte.

"Nada es presa de la Muerte; al contrario, la diariaPrueba que todo es presa de la Vida, Es decir de lo que puede ser nutrido y lo que puede ser consumido"...
See More
 — at Elixir Centro Holistico.




Some Where Over The Rainbow!

A beautiful double rainbow over the Rancho del Sol and pH Miracle Center in Valley Center, California. www.phmiracle.com


Become a pH Miracle Coach and Microsocpist!

Have you thought about becoming a pH Miracle Microscopist or pH Miracle Coach? Give us a call 760 484 1075.



Which Water Tastes Best?

Dr. Robert O. Young's pH Miracle Water is the water of choice 9 out of 10 times. To order your case of pH Miracle water go to:www.phmiracleliving.com


Water, Water Everywhere but NOT a Drop to Drink!

The Alkaline Tip of the day. Dr. Robert O. Young shares his scientific knowledge on acid and alkaline water. To learn more about the benefits of pH Miracle water and the alkaline puripHy drops go to:www.phmiracleliving.com



Not All Water is Created Equal!

Many drinking waters look alike but which drinking waters are good for you and alkaline and which drinking waters are acidic and harmful to the body? Watch, listen, learn and share the scientific knowlege that drinking water may look good but may be highly acidic and not good for human consumption.


Minggu, 24 Agustus 2014

My Meals Calculated by My Fitness Pal

It's been 7 weeks since my bikini competition where I competed at 100 pounds and now I weigh 108!  Yes, that's over a pound a week! Yikes! I can tell that my body composition is still better than it was when I started training (more muscle and less fat), and I didn't plan to stay at 100 pounds, but I'd like to be at 104.  So, I find myself with 4 pounds to lose.  

I'm sure I put on weight because: 1) I was eating two pints of Haagen Dazs Gelato (Sea Salt Caramel) a week for about 5 weeks, and 2) I stopped training as intensely as I was (just running around the neighborhood for 30 minutes) and then took some time off working out at the end of the summer to just be with my son.  I don't regret it, but I know it's time to get back to work!  My son started school mid-August and I'm back to my routine of working out as soon as I drop him off at school.  I feel 100x better already.  It's amazing how quickly your body can change - for the better or worse. 

I've been tracking my workouts on my iPhone and plan to share them in detail with you this week, but for now, I'll just say that I start with 30 minutes of medium-hard cardio, then do 30-45 minutes of weight training with active rests (which keep my heart rate up) the whole time.  

When I was preparing for my bikini contest, my trainer gave me a meal plan to follow for  12 weeks.  I never counted calories or macros, but generally had an idea of what it was.  Last night, I finally plugged the five meals into My Fitness Pal and got the calculations below.  I think My Fitness Pal only allow for 4 meals a day, that's why I had to combines Meals 2 & 3.

So, for those of you who were interested in the breakdown, there it is.   I was surprised at how many calories I was eating, I thought it was been less, although I knew I was eating a lot of food- I was never hungry.  But, you need to eat consistently (about every 3 hours) and get enough protein at each meal to build and sustain muscle.   

Since I know I have weight to lose now, I need to be more strict with my food.  My weakness is dessert.  But, when I'm working out HARD, I'm much less likely to eat what isn't good for me.  I always think, "I didn't just work that hard to blow it by having a piece of cake."  

I like My Fitness Pal because it allows me to see how everything I put in my mouth mouth adds up and it makes me reconsider my gelato!  Of course, I will still eat it, just not as often! 

I hope this chart helps! Let me know! :) Do you use My Fitness Pal? 

Selasa, 19 Agustus 2014

To The Weight Lifting Community

Unfortunately much of the weightlifting community is consumed by an unhealthy acidic lifestyle and steriod use. The reason why many bodybuilders and althletes are doing this is because they have been indoctrinated by flawed messages of what it means to truly have a healthy and fit body.

Ask yourself this question, why is it that so many people workout and diet for years, and have absolutely

Dr. Young's Tri-Antioxidant

The brand new pH Miracle Tri-Antioxidant is an acid chain buster and free radical neutralizer. It contains Glutathione, N-acetylcysteine (NAC), and L-Taurine—Three Super Antioxidants.

High concentrations of Glutathione, NAC and L-Taurine are found in every cell in the human body as a protection against metabolic acid. Higher concentrations are found in the heart, red and white blood cells,

The New and Affordable Personal Detox Hydrotherapy device for colonics, enemas and douching

The Detox Hydrotherapy Chair Kit includes components for use as a stand-alone enema kit or a stand-alone douche kit. The Chair accessory is a perfect movable station for docking over most any toilet or other receptacle container and is to be used for the enema application only. The Chair accessory is a safe, stable, and dignified solution for administering enemas, whether in a home or

The Best Tasting Grapefruit in the World!

Once you have tasted a non-gmo, organic, round-up free, high sodium, high potassium ruby red grapefruit from Dr. Young's Rancho del Sol you will never buy another grapefruit from anywhere else.

To order the most incredible tasting grapefruit in the World and picked right from the tree and shipped to you the same day, go to:https://www.phmiracleliving.com/



Vegus Foods, from Ireland and THE pH Miracle, UK, hydroponically grow organic broccoli and wheatgrass SPROUTS and then presses the broccoli and wheatgrass sprouts into FRESH juice. We have been doing this inIreland NOW for over five years!

Some really great things are happening for

Baking Soda vs. Pharmaceutical Industry

Health Education Instead of Medication

Baking Soda vs. Pharmaceutical Industry. . .Sodium bicarbonate (Baking Soda) is probably one of the most useful substances in the world; no wonder the pharmaceutical companies don’t want doctors or anyone else to know much about it. Sodium Bicarbonate is an important medicine – of the safest kind – and it is essential when treating cancer,



Vegus Foods, from Ireland and THE pH Miracle, UK, hydroponically grow organic broccoli and wheatgrass SPROUTS and then presses the broccoli and wheatgrass sprouts into FRESH juice. We have been doing this in Ireland NOW for over five years!

Some really great things are happening for

Senin, 18 Agustus 2014

Dr. Young's NEW Colon Hydrotherapy Chair

Previous · Next

Robert O Young

The New and Affordable Personal Colon Hydrotherapy device for colonics, enemas and douching.. . .The Colon Hydrotherapy Chair Kit includes components for use as a stand-alone enema kit or a stand-alone douche kit. The Chair accessory is a perfect movable station for docking over most any toilet or other receptacle

What is the Germ? What is a Virus?

What is a Germ? What is a Virus?

A Second Thought About Viruses, Vaccines and the HIV/AIDS, HEP C, HPV, Hantavirus, SARS and Ebola Hypothesis! - Part 1

"In the sciences, people quickly come to regard as their own personal property that which they have learned and had passed on to them at the Universities and Academies. If, however, someone else now comes along with new ideas to contradict

What About Genetics?

"95 percent of all sickness and disease is the result of what you think, what you drink and what you eat. The remaining 5 percent is the result of genetics which is affected by what you think, what you drink and what you eat." Dr. Robert O. Young
 — with Paulo Fernandes and 8 others.


The Tri-Antioxidant

The brand new pH Miracle Tri-Antioxidant is an acid chain buster and free radical neutralizer. It contains Glutathione, N-acetylcysteine (NAC), and L-Taurine—Three Super Antioxidants.

High concentrations of Glutathione, NAC and L-Taurine are found in every cell in the human body as a protection against metabolic acid. Higher concentrations are found in the heart, red and white blood cells,

You Build Strong Muscles and Bones With Blood NOT Animal Protein!

Unfortunately much of the weightlifting community is consumed by an unhealthy acidic lifestyle and steriod use. The reason why many bodybuilders and althletes are doing this is because they have been indoctrinated by flawed messages of what it means to truly have a healthy and fit body. Ask yourself this question, why is it that so many people workout and diet for years, and have absolutely

Minggu, 17 Agustus 2014

Prader-Willi Syndrome - A Rare Genetic Bullet!

There are many acidic symptomologies expressed with the acidic condition of Prader-Willi Syndrome, a rare 'genetic bullet' disorder.

The Prader–Willi Syndrome or PWS is a rare 'genetic bullet' that involves seven genes (or some subset thereof) on chromosome 15 (q 11–13) which are unexpressed (chromosome 15q partial deletion) on the paternal chromosome.

When considering the 'genetic bullet'

Rabu, 13 Agustus 2014

The Truth About Water!

Clean drinking water is something that the public has pretty much taken for granted for the past

hundred years. The public has little idea--perhaps understandably--just how contaminated our drinking water has become. Our environment has changed, new biological transformations are emerging, drinking- water systems are aging, and governments seem more interested in ensuring business in

Selasa, 12 Agustus 2014

Kids Eat Well Month August 2014

August has been highlighted by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (the governing body for nutrition professionals – RDN’s) as a month to focus on kids health and nutrition.  I just have one issue that I’d like to “Crave Health-ify” if you will… 
and that is the use of the word “right”.  

The Academy has used the phrase “eat right” for years – it’s the web address and logo, and it’s the overall message and theme.  However, this tiny grammatical error infers that there is a “right” way to eat and a “wrong” way to eat.  So to remove that messaging so you parents can focus on the amazing messages within the month of August – let’s just change “right” to “well”.  There we go.  That feels better!

August is ‘Kids Eat Right WELL’ Month

With childhood obesity on the rise, making sure kids eat well and get plenty of exercise is vital.

Parents and caregivers can play a big role in children’s nutrition and health, teaching kids about healthy foods, being a good role model and making sure physical activity is incorporated into each day.

August is a great time for families to focus on the importance of healthful eating and active lifestyles. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is encouraging families to take the following steps:

1)  Shop Smart. To encourage a healthy lifestyle, get your children involved in selecting the food that will appear at the breakfast, lunch or dinner table.

Hey Seattle! – Did you know that kids get to pick out a FREE fruit or veggie every time you shop at PCC?  It’s true.  They will even wash, cut and prepare it for your child to try. Check it out here.

2)  Cook Healthy. Involve your child in the cutting, mixing and preparation of meals. They will learn about food and may even be enticed to try new foods they helped prepare.

Not much of a cook?  Try  a kid friendly cooking class and learn along with your older kiddos.  Check out this awesome article highlighting FREE kid friendly cooking classes all over the pacific northwest.

3)  Eat well.   Sit down together as a family to enjoy a wonderful meal and the opportunity to share the day’s experiences with one another. Research indicates that those families who eat together have a stronger bond, and children have higher self-confidence and perform better in school.

Family dinners are hard to come by with our busy schedules.  But research shows that even the smallest amount of time at the table together can build kids up.  Even if it’s only a few times a month!  Make it a goal to have family dinner in August.

4)  Healthy Habits. You can help kids form great, healthy habits by setting a good example. Fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables, choose lower-sodium options, and make at least half the grains your family eats whole grains. For beverages, choose water over sugary drinks. 
If you haven’t noticed, your kids WATCH YOU.  They are little sponges.  So watch how you speak about your body and food, and don’t be a hypocrite.  If you pick out all the olives, you don’t think your little one will?

5)  Get Moving. Aside from being a great way to spend time together, regular physical activity is vital to strengthen muscle and bones, promote a healthy body weight, support learning, develop social skills and build self-esteem. Kids are encouraged to be active for 60 minutes per day.

Ever wish there was a fitbit for kids?  THERE IS.  It’s called ibitz and it tracks your little one’s steps and movement and syncs to an app for the kids – the more steps, the farther their spaceship can fly and explore more in a game that actually rewards with Disney coins!

Getting kids to eat well can sometimes be a challenge, particularly if they are picky eaters. But experts say that a conversation can help.

“Talk to your children. Learn the foods they like. Teach them about the foods they need for their growing bodies. Find ways together to make sure they have the knowledge and ability to eat healthy and tasty foods at every meal,”

- Angela Lemond, RDN, and Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics spokesperson.

It may help to consult a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) in your area to ensure your family is getting the nutrients it needs with a meal plan tailored to your lifestyle and busy schedule.  YOUR INSURANCE COVERS THIS!

This August, reevaluate your family’s eating and exercise habits, and take steps to make positive, healthful changes.

Much Love, 
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and Crave Health

Minggu, 10 Agustus 2014

Koch's Postulates and HIV, AIDS, HPV, HEP C, Hantavirus, Ebola, SARS, West Nile Virus, and Many More Phantom Viruses

What ARE Koch's Postulates?

Koch's postulates are a set of conditions long accepted as the requirements for establishing a fixed microorganism, filterable bacteria (virus), bacteria, yeast, and mold in the cause of a specific disease. The case for HIV, AIDS, HPV, HEP C, Hantavirus, Ebola, SARS, as with the identification of any causative infectious agent, should depend upon meeting these

23 Good Reasons Why You Should Never Drink a Single Cup of Coffee

1. Methyl parathion

This is the most toxic pesticide of all. It is  is highly toxic to humans, birds, fish, and mammals. It’s used to fight leaf miner infestations. Leaf miners are insects that eat at leaves of plants.  Despite how dangerous it is, it’s still (mis)used in some countries.                                                                          

2. Endosulfan

This pesticide

Sabtu, 09 Agustus 2014