Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010

Update on the Potato Guy

So I was sitting at "bin on the lake" a Kirkland wine bar with my girlfriend Kim for dinner during restaurant week on Wednesday night and she asked me "what ever happened to that potato guy?" which reminded me that I need to update you all on the progress! Kim also told me that she actually reads my blog, which is AWESOME and made my night - thank you Kim!
So the basic outline is that he will be eating only potatoes, no toppings, nothing else, from October 1st - November 29th.

He started the diet at 197 lbs and 73.5 in tall making his BMI 25.6 kg/m2 (which is just barely considered overweight). His lab results are here:

He has Pre-Diabetes with a high blood glucose at 104. (Goal = Less than 100)
He has high cholesterol with a total cholesterol of 214. (Goal = Less than 200)

He is aiming for 2200 calories per day but is having a hard time getting in that many because, well he is only eating potatoes and there's only so many potatoes a person can handle! But after the initial couple weeks he was back closer to 2200. And, he's been advised to eat potato chips and french fries in order to get some essential fatty acids that the potatoes arent providing him.

Very interesting! Check out the day-to-day blog: http://20potatoesaday.com/blog.php

Senin, 25 Oktober 2010

Seattle Restaurant Week

I love food. Obviously.

Despite what you may think I am not the food police and I do eat a wide variety of foods. If you catch me in the grocery store with chocolate in my cart or catch me ordering a beer at a Sounders or Husky game don't be surprised! And don't be mad either! I eat a variety of foods in moderation and balance. You'll also see tofu and kale in my grocery cart.

This is one of those weeks you may catch me. Its Seattle Restaurant Week!

October 17th-28th
(except Fridays & Saturdays)
10 Days.
Over 100 Restaurants.
3 Courses, $25.00

Check out these pics from our excursion with our good friends Ally and Abe, to Palace Kitchen - a Tom Douglas fave on 5th Avenue... Palace Kitchen

Course #1: Hot Smoked Black Cod

Course #2: Pan Roasted Alaskan Halibut

Course #3: Mexican Chocolate Cake with Jalapeno Marshmallows

Chicken Nuggets

In case some of you didn't see this picture the Crave Health Facebook Page...here it is for you on Blogger.

If this doesn't stop you from going through the drive thru - then we have quite a bit of work to do!
"Mechanically Separated Chicken" is the actual name for this pink paste that looks nothing like chicken. Eventually this pink paste will be shaped into little boots, fried and placed in Happy Meals around the world!

Clear explanation of Mechanically Separated Meat: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mechanically_separated_meat

Lets choose something else for lunch today shall we?

Senin, 04 Oktober 2010

Holy Potatoes...

Potatoes are a carbohydrate.
Potatoes are a complex carbohydrate.
Carbohydrates are various forms of sugars.
The brain runs on carbohydrates.
Excess carbohydrates are stored as fat.
Potatoes contain vitamins and minerals.

All this being said, do I think this is a good idea? No.

The Executive Director of the Washington State Potato Commission is going to eat only potatoes for 60 days straight. This escapade began on Friday October 4th. Potatoes aren't unhealthy, as I've demonstrated with the facts above, but eating a diet strictly made of carbohydrates without a balance of other nutrients, vitamins and minerals sure is.

Lets watch and see what happens...