Selasa, 09 Maret 2010


National Nutrition Month
The theme for March 2010 is "Nutrition From the Ground Up."

National Nutrition Month® is a nutrition education and information campaign created annually in March by the American Dietetic Association. The campaign focuses attention on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits. Registered Dietitian Day, also celebrated in March, increases awareness of registered dietitians as the indispensable providers of food and nutrition services and recognizes RDs for their commitment to helping people enjoy healthy lives.

Registered Dietitian Day is Wednesday March 10th 2010 this year (I enjoy Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies, Tulips and Peppermint Stick Luna Bars…) – just kidding!

This month Crave Health will be posting weekly blogs to bring attention to nutrition related topics and issues that need to be on the forefront in order to create change and educate the public in a positive and motivating way.

For more information please visit

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