Rabu, 17 Maret 2010

The Missing Piece

Okay I know I said there is no "secret" to weight loss or health, and there isn't. But this is the closest thing to a secret mostly because dietitians know about it and most other people don't - its the missing piece that 90% of people don't understand.

  • Its why Ive seen people cut their calories dangerously low and workout like crazy and still not lose weight.
  • If you don't do it, your risk of Type 2 Diabetes increases.
  • Its the reason some people are starving throughout the day even though they eat and eat and eat.
  • Its the cause of mood swings, irritability and even nausea.


Being healthy encompasses 2 parts.

1) Calories in, Calories out.
Everybody knows this one. Eat less, move more. Makes sense.

2) Balance and Pattern.
Nobody knows this one. What to eat and when to eat it. This is "the secret".

Throw out all the information in your brain that you've read about random food-pairing, not eating after a certain time, snacking is bad, etc, etc. Because all that's going to do is confuse you.

In the simplest way I can think of to say it: "Don't Eat Carbohydrates Alone."
That can be taken 2 ways, either don't eat just carbohydrates (which applies since you need variety in your diet) and also the way in which I meant it "never eat a carbohydrate food by itself, it needs a pal - Protein or Fat - to go with it."

Because carbohydrates are the one food group responsible for spiking your blood sugar levels. Carbohydrates are also the preferred source of fuel for your brain and your organs - meaning they are IMPORTANT and you NEED them! Don't cut out carbs, you'll just end up grumpy and dumb. First of all carbs are just anything that contains sugar (basically) whether its natural sugar, refined sugar, starchy sugar. Its a carb. (hint: anything that ends in "-ose" is a sugar. Lactose, Fructose, Maltose, Dextrose, Glucose...) Which makes carbs a confusing food group. Because that puts cupcakes and apples in the same group.

So when you eat a carb, your blood sugar levels (glucose) goes up. Your organs (Liver and Pancreas) are responsible for keeping your glucose levels within a nice little stable window. But high intakes of carbohydrates all at once (huge portion sizes or a very concentrated source of simple carbohydrate like desserts/candies, fruits, honey) can spike your glucose levels very fast and very high, making your organs work double-time to try and stabilize them. Too much of this and your organs will grow tired and burn out - causing a little disease we like to call Type 2 Diabetes - thats right, its not just about overweight anymore. Now its not the carbs that cause the disease, its because you're eating too many and eating them all alone.

Riddle me this... "What goes up, must come _________?"

When your glucose level spikes that high, that fast its going to come crashing down. The rate at which it falls and how low it falls causes your body to panic. So the body signals you to do what? Bring it back up again. And what brings your blood sugar up again? Carbs. Welcome to the vicious cycle of sugar and carb cravings, all day hunger and eventual Pre or Type 2 Diabetes.

Adding the protein or fat with the carb causes the blood sugar to come down nice and slow so that you dont get the fast crash or the low dip.

Easy fix! Always eat a carbohydrate with a protein or a healthy fat.

Good Ideas:

  • Fruit (C) + Nuts (F)
  • Fruit (C) + Cheese (P)
  • Rice (C) + Salmon or Chicken (P)
  • Pasta (C) + Meat Sauce (P)
Bad Ideas:

  • Cereal (C) + Milk (C)
  • A piece of fruit alone for a snack
  • Pasta (C) + Marinara (C)
  • Toast (C) + Jam (C)
  • Yogurt (C) + Fruit (C) + Granola (C)
For more specifics see my post on "The Plate Model" which outlines this concept in more depth with a visual...http://crave-health.blogspot.com/2009/02/portion-sizes-vs-serving-sizes.html

Eating with this balance and making sure you don't go more than 4 hours without eating will dramatically change your life and will also improve the way your body digests and metabolizes. Pretty soon you'll be a fine tuned machine :)

Some hidden gems to try: (and no I don't get paid for promoting brands these are just ones I happen to like that I'm sharing with you as a friend!)

Great balanced snack all in one: Flavored Greek Yogurt

Good fast breakfast protein: MorningStar Veggie Sausage Patties

I swear they don't taste like soy/beans/vegetarian products.

Awesome with some peanut butter on them: Lundberg Brown Rice Cakes

Now get out there and conquer your day!

Blessings, Ashley

Senin, 15 Maret 2010


National Nutrition Month 1st Hot Topic: Dieting.

In all honesty, the most frustrating thing about being a dietitian and having all of the knowledge I have in my brain about food, body chemistry, physiology and metabolism, is knowing in my heart of hearts that there is no secret. There is no secret to losing weight, gaining weight, or even to being healthy. The big picture is one that everyone already knows – eat with balance, variety and moderation – and move your body. SO FRUSTRATING!

The second most frustrating thing is something that happens to me a lot when I am out in public without my “Food Police” uniform on (I’m just kidding I don’t really have a uniform, but it sure feels like it sometimes when you sit in my office – sorry about that). People always ask “so, what do you do?” and sometimes I’ll tell people right off that bat what I do but other times I’ll go ahead with an answer like “Oh, I’m in healthcare” or “I own a small business”. Just to avoid the following scenario:

Example Person: “So what do you do?”

Ashley: “I’m a registered dietitian”

Example Person: “Oh my gosh that’s so cool! Nutrition is such a passion of mine, I study everything I can about it on the internet and gosh you should see my bookshelf. I have every book by Dr. Oz and subscribe to a bunch of different health magazines…I’m actually in the middle of this cleansing detox right now and besides starving and not being able to think straight its going great! Have you ever heard of the blood-type diet? A girlfriend of mine said it makes so much sense….”

Ashley: (thinking) Shoot me now.

Let me just go ahead and put this out there: DIETING DOES NOT WORK. I don’t care if Doctor so-and-so wrote it, and I don’t care if your BFF lost 38 lbs in one week – it’s not healthy, it won’t last, and it’s a dangerous shortcut that you’re taking because you are lazy. Sorry, but that’s the truth and I’ll be the first one to smack you across the face with it. Figuratively speaking.
Click on the link below, its a timeline of all the "Fad Diets" and its pretty fun to look through: Let’s take a look at just how long “diets” have been wowing the world…


There are a lot of brilliant minds out there; don’t you think that if there was some secret we would’ve figured it out by now? I mean we have phones that we stick in our ears and can talk to people in Tokyo if we want. Grow up Peter Pan, Count Chocula, I want to be cowboys from Arizona or pimps from Oakland, but it's the fourth quarter of the big game and you're talking crazy.

Bottom Line: Diets don’t work. Move your body (if you don’t know how, ask a personal trainer) and eat right (if you don’t know how, ask.)

Rabu, 10 Maret 2010

Registered Dietitian Day 2010!

Happy Registered Dietitian Day to all the RD's out there helping educate and spread the nutrition love!
10 Fun Facts About YOUR Registered Dietitian...
1) I originally attended Pepperdine University to become a Doctor of Sports Medicine! Ended up changing my major to Nutritional Science as a sophomore after taking my first Sports Nutrition class.

2) I paid my way through that expensive university by working 2 on-campus jobs and writing and proposing undergraduate research which was eventually published as an abstract on Genetically Modified Food in Infant and Toddler Nutrition

3) I applied to 6 internships: Vanderbilt, Yale, Brigham and Womens (Harvard/Boston), Baylor, University of Houston and Bastyr. (Vanderbilt was my first choice :)

4) I passed the RD Exam in October of 2007 on my first try.

5) My first job was Lead Dietitian of an intensive outpatient eating disorder center.

6) I opened Crave Health in January of 2009, Happy One Year!

7) I have a strong liking for mint and chocolate put together. Mint Oreos, Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies, Chocolate Peppermint Stick Luna Bars, Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream...

8) The name "Crave Health" was created one night after having sat with a patient for the 20th time that day talking about her cravings...I became so frustrated that I blurted out to myself "Why is it always chocolate or bread or salt, why doesnt anyone crave their health!?" And a private practice was born.

9) I have appeared on The Food Network in a one hour special "Challenge" called The George Foreman College Grill Off where my team of 4 from Pepperdine tied for 1st place against the restaurant school from Mizzou. We made Baklava on the Foreman Grill. Impressive huh?

10) Just so you know that dietitians struggle too, yes the food part is easy for me, but I struggle to drag myself to the gym to workout. I hate running and sometimes I dont even know what the machines are for! Accountability for me lies in friends and family wanting to go workout together. Any takers?

Registered Dietitians...
Bring Food and Nutrition Expertise to the Table

Who is a Registered Dietitian?
Registered dietitians are food and nutrition experts, translating the science of nutrition into practical solutions for healthy living. The expertise, training and credentials that back a registered dietitian are vital for promoting positive lifestyle choices

Trust a Registered Dietitian
When you need food and nutrition information based on fact or need to know how a healthy diet improves health and fights disease— rely on qualified professionals in the field.
Registered dietitians draw on their experience to develop a personalized
nutrition plan for individuals of all ages. They are able to separate facts from fads and translate nutritional science into information you can use. A
registered dietitian can put you on the path to lowering weight, eating healthfully and reducing your risk of chronic disease.

Registered dietitians know the science of nutrition. They have degrees in nutrition, dietetics, public health or a related field from well-respected,
accredited colleges and universities.

Looking for a Registered Dietitian?
When you need trusted, accurate, timely and practical nutrition advice, seek the services of a registered dietitian.

To find a registered dietitian in your area, visit www.eatright.org and click on “Find a Registered Dietitian.”

Selasa, 09 Maret 2010


National Nutrition Month
The theme for March 2010 is "Nutrition From the Ground Up."

National Nutrition Month® is a nutrition education and information campaign created annually in March by the American Dietetic Association. The campaign focuses attention on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits. Registered Dietitian Day, also celebrated in March, increases awareness of registered dietitians as the indispensable providers of food and nutrition services and recognizes RDs for their commitment to helping people enjoy healthy lives.

Registered Dietitian Day is Wednesday March 10th 2010 this year (I enjoy Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies, Tulips and Peppermint Stick Luna Bars…) – just kidding!

This month Crave Health will be posting weekly blogs to bring attention to nutrition related topics and issues that need to be on the forefront in order to create change and educate the public in a positive and motivating way.

For more information please visit www.eatright.org