Jumat, 30 Mei 2014

Our Nation is Facing A Health Crisis!

Sickness, disease and death or health, fitness and life are all consequences of personal choice. Everyday you choose health and/or fitness or you choose sickness and/or disease with what you eat, what you drink and what you think. You must be the change you want to see in your health. energy and vitality! Stand-up for Self-care NOT Sick-care. Education NOT Medicaiton. The number one cause

The Sugar in Tabacco Smoke Causes Addiction and then Cancer!

Cigarette smoke contains cancer causing acidic ingredients.There are roughly 45 carcinogens in cigarette smoke. The most addicting and dangerous carcinogen in smoke is sugar which is coated on the tobacco leaves during fermentation or aging. When you smoke you are inhaling colloids of the acid sugar directly into your lungs. This is why those who smoke crave sugar when trying to stop.

Kamis, 29 Mei 2014

Dr. Robert O. Young's Theory on the Cause of Kidney Stones Validated by the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio

The kidneys are one of the most important organs in the human body. The kidneys help to detox and filter impurities from the blood, as well as waste products from your urine.

A kidney stone, also known as a renal calculus is a solid concretion or crystal aggregation formed in the kidneys from dietary minerals and acid salts.

Urinary stones are typically classified by their location in

Bikini Contest Prep- 6 Weeks Out Progress Update

I went for my bikini consult to order my suit and I'll share that with you next, just off to the gym now and wanted to post my latest progress update. Although things are coming together, and if I hadn't committed to this contest, I'd be very satisfied with where I am now, but I still have lots more work to  do to get "competition ready."  

My body fat is 19% right now, but it only came down from 19.75 in the last two weeks.  We are looking for it to come down at least one point a week, so my trainer was saying he needed to adjust my diet. I had to confess the Cheerios I was eating at night.  He explained that ideally I would lose another 8 pounds before the contest, so every calorie counts and eating carbs right before bed is not a good idea. In fact, he prohibited any carbs after 6 PM from now on. I promised no more Cheerios, and I would instead be drinking my protein shake like I was supposed to.  I've been doing that the last couple days and I am hungry at night, so I've been going to bed earlier. This is actually a good thing because then I wake up more energized in the morning. Eating my meals consistently throughout the day prevents me from getting any midday slump.   

I also admitted to my trainer that I have not been able to give up my coffee creamer. He tried to persuade me against using it but said I could keep using it as long as I only used 1 tablespoon. It's a deal!

I really don't know if I can lose 8 pounds in six weeks,  but I am uping the intensity of my cardio now. I'm making sure to get in five, 45 minute sessions at a more intense rate.  I'm typically on the treadmill and do 15 incline at 2.5-3.0 intervals. This should help me burn more calories. I also measure everything I eat so I know I'm getting precisely the exact amount. I realized one fish filet per meal is not enough, it needs to be one and a half to equal 5 ounces cooked. 

I share all these details with you to let you know exactly what it takes to do something like this and also to chronicle my journey. I really appreciate you following along and your supportive comments. Thank you. 

One of the things I like most about having a trainer to help get me ready for this contest is that I don't have to stress about whether what I'm doing is working.  I can be confident that, if I just follow his directions, I will see changes and results.  When I used to workout before, I was never quite sure if what I was doing was going to get me the best results.  (Should I be doing more cardio?  How much?  Should I lift heavy weights or lighter?  What exactly should I be eating?) It's not easier with the trainer- I still work my tail off, but the mental part is better.  I don't feel like I'm spinning my wheels. 

On another note, Victoria's Secret has the cutest swimsuits lately.  I ordered the one above and 2 other mix and match styles.  Love them!

Have a great Thursday!  It's almost the weekend again!

Selasa, 27 Mei 2014

Colon Hydrotherapy To Improve Health

Colonhydrotherapy is the fastest way to clean the large bowel and to hydrate and feed or infuse the body tissues, glands and organs with alkaline water, mineral salts, chlorophyll and polyunsaturated oils.There is only one place I know of in Los Angeles, California that performs alkalizing colonics and that is at the Los Angeles Colon Hydrotherapy Clinic.The large bowels main purpose is to

Senin, 26 Mei 2014

Bikini Contest Prep (6 Weeks Out) My Daily Meals

I'm FINALLY in a really good groove with my meals.  Now that I've learned that I can actually season my food, I'm so much happier with the taste!  I (sorta) joked with my trainer/nutritionist that he could have mentioned that about 7 weeks ago!!  I eat the same thing over and over, but since I like it, I don't mind.  I still struggle with my last meal of the day (a protein shake or egg whites with side salad) because at that time of night (about 8pm) I just want a bowl of cereal.  I have caved and had cheerios several times. 

Protein Pancake:  My breakfast is a protein pancake that I eat around 7:30 a.m.  I top it with Molly McButter (butter flakes, also known as manna from Heaven after you haven't tasted butter for so long) and all natural fruit spread (both trainer approved).  My pancake is kind of like dense bread with butter and jelly.  I actually love it now.  I eat it like pizza.

I make my protein pancake with 1/2 cup of ground oats (I buy whole old fashioned oats and grind them in the food processor) with 3/4 cup of All Whites and a splash of water- less than 1/4 cup.  I used to make it with cinnamon and flax seed, but lately, have just been doing the 3 ingredients above.  I make one big pancake in a small skillet.  You flip it when it's just about solid on top.

After the pancake is cooked (I'll touch it to feel that it is firm), I cut it into 4 pieces let it cool on the stove top (or a wire rack) because I found that if I put it directly onto the plate, it was still steaming and got soggy.  

Meals 2, 3, and 4 are 5 oz of fish (mahi mahi), 4 oz of potato, and 1 cup of veggies (green beans or broccoli).  I eat this at about 11:30 a.m.; 3:00 p.m.; and 6:00 p.m.

FISH:  I buy individually wrapped fish fillets and defrost them in the fridge or in a bowl of hot water.  In the bowl of water, they only take about 5 minutes to defrost.  Then, I pat dry, sprinkle with Mrs. Dash and garlic powder and cook on the stove top on medium high heat for about 7 minutes.  I'm careful not to overcook it, and take it off the heat when it's just about cooked through so it's still moist and juicy inside.  This fish is really good and has a mild flavor.  

POTATOES:  I wash and prick with a knife, then microwave for 4-5 minutes.  Then I chop them up and toast them up in a skillet.  After they are browned, I season with Molly McButter.

VEGGIES:  I buy big bags of frozen veggies, measure 1 cup onto a plate and microwave for 3 minutes.  Then, season with Molly McButter.

SALAD:  I can also have salad (no iceberg lettuce) so I use romaine and spinach, with fat free dressing.

PROTEIN SHAKE:  My last meal (around 8:00 p.m.) is usually a protein shake with one scoop of protein and 6 oz of water. 

Until my trainer/nutritionist modifies my meal plan, this is what I'm eating.  Every day, all day.  My husband said he'll do this last month with me (but he'll do chicken and lean red meat instead of fish).  He's seen me lean up and wants to lose some weight too.  

I go for my bikini consult (where I choose my competition suit on Tuesday evening, so I'll be sure to report back about that experience).  Have a great week!

You NOW Have a 50/50 Chance of Getting Cancer in YOUR Lifetime?

You NOW Have a 50/50 Chance of Getting Cancer in YOUR Lifetime?

Former President Richard Nixon declared war on  Cancer in l971.   So what's been happening?   At the present time your risk for cancer is 1 out of 2.5.  In less than five years from NOW it will be 1 out of 2!  What's going on?  

Did you know that within five years, cancer will also surpass heart disease as the leading

Polio Caused by a Virus or an Acid!

for those who have no idea,http://www.realfarmacy.com/cdc-admits-98-million-americans-received-polio-vaccine-contaminated-with-cancer-virus/#!prettyPhoto

CDC Admits 98 Million Americans Received Polio Vaccine...


Like ·  · Share

Robert O Younghttp://articlesofhealth.blogspot.com/.../the-center-for...

Articles of Health: The Center for

12 Years a Slave or 1000's of Years of Slave Food!

Why "Soul Food" should really be called "Slave Food"

Milton Mills, MD, is Associate Director of Preventive Medicine for the Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), as well as a practicing internist at Fairfax Hospital in Virginia. He also provides medical care and counseling in several free clinics in Washington, DC.

In this conversation, Dr Mills shared his provocative

Minggu, 25 Mei 2014

Younga Yoga Rebounding

Dean, from Australia was in a wheelchair and could not walk. He would try to stand and would fall over. He complained about no strength or energy. The allopathic doctors could not figure out why. Then Dean found out about the pH Miracle protocol from a friend and started to live the pH Miracle lifestyle. Look at him now. He not only can walk, he can exercise and jump. He is full of energy and

Another Dumb and Dumber Article on Obesity

Another dumb and dumber article on obesity -http://www.thehealthsite.com/news/whats-making-americans-obese/

People are not over-weight they are over-acid. The body packs on the fat pounds to park excess metabolic, dietary, respiratory and environmental acids that are NOT being properly eliminated through the four channels of elimination - urination, defecation, perspiration and respiration!

Big Pharma and Mega Hospitals Running Scared!

I want to express my gratitude and support for Dr. Zubin Damania and his team of health care professionals at Turntable Health Clinic for taking a giant step forward in the education and prevention of sickness and disease. What a breath of fresh air.

Big Pharma and Mega Hospitals “Scared Beyond Belief” of Tiny Las Vegas Health Clinic


The Lupus Mystery Solved!

True immunity is found in managing and maintaining the alkaline design of the body with an alkaline lifestyle and diet. White blood cells are NOT an army of soldiers going out to war to attack foreign invaders from the outside world nor do they ever attack healthy body cells. White blood cells are garbage collectors that swim throughout our alkaline body fluids picking up the garbage from

Sabtu, 24 Mei 2014

Self-Care to a Self-Cure for Multiple Sclerosis - MS

A Self-Care to a Self-Cure for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) - The pH Miracle Protocol!

I woke up one morning in July of 1994 and could not move the right side of my body.  For some reason I thought I had an inner ear infection.  I called my Uncle, an ENT,  who was in the process of moving his office and asked the nurse to call in Antivert.  I finally called him at home a few days later and told

Jumat, 23 Mei 2014

The pH Miracel 14 Day Whole Body Cleanse!

Introducing pH Miracle Bottled Water

Introducing pH Miracle All-Natural Ionic Mineral Alkaline Bottled Drinking Water* * *• pH Miracle is bottled by a proprietary and FDA-approved water technology.• pH Miracle consists of ionic calcium, ionic magnesium, ionic potassium, and trace amounts of ionic natrium.• pH Miracle has one of the highest and most stable pH’s of any bottled water in the world, with a stable pH ranging from 9 to

Eat Real Food - Organic Fruit and Vegetables

A new study due to be published in the July 2014 edition of the Journal of Environmental Research has found that eating an organic diet for just one week can reduce pesticide levels in adults by almost 90%.Learn more:http://www.naturalnews.com/045201_organic_diet_pesticide_levels_organophosphates.html?utm_content=bufferaba17&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer#

Senin, 19 Mei 2014

I Double-Dog-Dare-You To Watch The Following Videos!

There are seven stages of over-acidity or 'latent tissue acidosis' that leads to ALL sickness and disease, including Lupus! The first stage of tissue acidosis is enervation or fatigue or 'lupus fatigue'. This means that the body does nothave sufficient energies to remove its own dietary and/or metabolic waste products so these acids are pushed out into the connective tissues or what I call

Is There A Known Cause and Cure for Lupus?

Current medical science states that there is no known cause or cure for Lupus. It is a mystery! There is no mystery for the cause and the cure for Lupus - Watch these two youtube videos - The first video is for the cause of Lupus - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9akaWgWd7M And the second video is for the self-cure for Lupus - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TR75ibj1dkk

Kamis, 15 Mei 2014

Bikini Contest Prep (8 Weeks Out Recap)

This Saturday will be 7 weeks until my bikini contest.  Seven weeks sounds so much shorter than 8 weeks, less than 2 months away.  I'm getting a little freaked out because, up to now, I'm mostly just thinking day to day with my food and the training, not really focusing on having to get on stage at the end of this all and be judged.  The scariest part of this is the posing that's required at these bikini shows.  It's not traditional flexing, showing of biceps, but there is a certain way of standing and doing some turns to show off your body from every angle.  In the photo below, the girl in the middle is holding the best pose the way she is twisting her torso.

This is a good example of the pose I'm learning.   This woman, Candice Conroy, placed 1st in the Pro Bikini Division at a 2013contest.  She's 5'2- short like me! :)

I have a posing coach and we've worked together twice, 30 minutes each time.  I have two more sessions with her, unless I need more, which I probably will. The first time was basically awful, she said "I couldn't stand properly, couldn't twist, my middle was too thick, I needed to loosen up and get a massage, I should start tanning right away so I didn't look muddy with the fake tanning paint, my shoes were wrong, I wasn't wearing the right booty shorts, blah blah blah."  I was really discouraged and, due to schedule issues, I didn't go back for 3 weeks.  In her defense, she is very passionate about her sport and takes her career very seriously.  She wants the women she works with to be at the top of their game and to feel very confident when they get on stage.  

The second time (last Friday) was much better.  I had my clear 5-inch heels, the proper booty shorts, my waist had decreased, I put on self-tanner and I was able to hold a pose- albeit sweating my arse off and shaking a little.  It's actually really hard to contort your body this way when you're not used to it and just learning.  My coach snapped a pic when she thought I was holding the poses pretty well- you can see by the look on my face I'm just trying not to tip over.  These are just iPhone pics and I tried to spare you an up-close butt shot. ;)  These photos were taken on Friday, May 9, 2014.  Seeing myself from the back really surprised me (obviously, I never see that view) so I'm happy with the progress on my hamstrings and calves (but she pointed out my left hamstring is more developed than my right).  I had almost no leg muscle definition when I started.  Lunges, lunges, and more lunges.  I do them probably 5 days a week.  Walking lunges, in-place lunges, jumping lunges, lunges with weights, lunges without weights, side to side lunges . . . you get the idea. 

And, for comparison, here's where I started in February- the pic on the left below is me after my first week working out and eating better.  This is almost exactly 3 months' difference.  I hope this encourages you with what you can accomplish in a (relatively) short amount of time. 
I'm trying REALLY hard to be perfect with my food, but it's not the way I love to eat.  I want to eat chocolate everyday, just a small piece at least, but I don't.  I fight this daily, especially in the evening.  My protein shake is chocolate, so it'll have to do.  We are down to the nitty gritty, so everything counts.  And I want to finish strong.  I don't know that I'll ever do this again, so I want to do it well the first time!  

My meal plan is the same, except, I'm down from 1/2 cup of rice to 1/3 cup or from 5oz potato to 4oz.  

I can add seasonings like Mrs. Dash and I learned I could put all natural fruit spread on my pancakes (thank God because I pretty much hate them without peanut butter).  My big fail is my coffee creamer.  I admit to still using it a few times a week!  :(  I know I shouldn't, but damn.

Have a great weekend!

Rabu, 14 Mei 2014

Power Surges, Power Outages and Wild Fires in San Diego County, California

Last week the Santa Anna winds caused a power surge that destroyed all of our computers. Today we are dealing with power outages and wild fires.  Thank you for your understanding, prayers and support.  Dr. Robert O. Young

Several hundred acres were blackened and local schools were evacuated because of wind-stoked flames raging across San Diego County.Photo: Reuters

Ida Kolader - Living With Lupus

Flare: Living with Lupus (2013)

An intimate look at the life of a Dutch-Surinamese woman named Ida, who suffers from a severe form of Lupus. Inthis monochromatic short film, we meet Ida, and follow her through a day-to-day life. From long, tiring train rides seeking medical help, to the intimacies of her past, we get to see the relatively unknown disease and the effects of its affliction.

Lupus - From Flare to Share


Overcome (2014)

Overcome is the second film about Ida Kolader who, in 2003, was diagnosed with an aggressive case of Lupus (SLE). After years of conventional medicine, personal strife and experimental trials of chemotherapy, Ida changed her life, recognizing her treatment was merely suppressing symptoms with drugs yet not treating the root of the illness."I had to

Lupus - Eliminating Acidic Waste Products Through The Pores of the Skin!

Selasa, 13 Mei 2014

Self-Care to a Self-Cure for Lupus Erythematosus

It's World Lupus Month, 2014 and last night Dr. Robert O. Young, in conjunction with the Plum Blossom Foundation, (http://www.plumblossomfoundation.com/) The Innerlight Foundation, (http://phmiracleliving.com/t-Innerlight-Foundation.aspx) The pH Miracle Medical Association and The pH Miracle Center annouces a self-care to a self-cure for Lupus (SLE).It has been theorized by current medical

Kamis, 08 Mei 2014

Bikini Contest Prep // 8 Weeks Out // Sample LEG Workout

Hi friends! Thank you so much for following along on this fitness journey of mine.  This Saturday marks 8 weeks out from the bikini competition.  I guess this is where the rubber meets the road so to speak because I have more tweaks to my training and diet.  I weighed in today (May 8, 2014) at 108 pounds and 19% body fat.  We will be measuring every 2 weeks. 

Back on April 1, he measured me at 25.5%, so I've lost about 6% body fat in 6 weeks.  I was also 113 pounds, so I'm down 5, but I've gained muscle I'm sure.  I'm aiming to get to about 10% body fat, so my trainer said he wants to modify my diet.  Well, it's already so strict, I didn't want him to cut anything, so I had to fess up that I'm still adding a small amount of peanut butter to my pancakes (and sometimes I eat those twice a day) and I sometimes only get 4 of my 5 meals in.  He was very stern about "peanut butter is not on the meal plan" and explained that everything I put in my body counts and makes a difference. Also, getting in those 5 meals is crucial because eating so often is revving up my metabolism and skipping a meal (for me it's usually the last one) causes my body to store more fat instead of burning it. 

Here's a reminder of the MEAL PLAN I'm on.

For me, I've been eating:

7:30 - 8:00 a.m.  1/2 cup ground oats, dash of cinnamon, 3/4 cup All Whites, 1 real egg white, splash of water (less than 1/4 cup) and make it into a pancake.  I spray the pan with spray coconut oil.

11:00 a.m.  5 oz. chicken (I buy frozen chicken breast and microwave them on the defrost setting- this makes them juicy and not overcooked), 1/2 cup brown rice, 1 cup broccoli or green beans

3:00 p.m.  5 oz. chicken, 1/2 cup brown rice, 1 cup broccoli or green beans

6:00 p.m.  5 oz. fish (I buy frozen Mahi Mahi and cook it in the skillet), 1/2 cup brown rice, 1 cup broccoli or green beans

9:00 p.m.  protein shake

It's this last shake that I need to get in.  I have had cheerios (oops!) a few times or my pancake with peanut butter, but no more.  Eating this way honestly hasn't been that bad (or as bad as I thought it would be).  Once I figured out how to cook my chicken so it wasn't bone dry, I enjoyed it more. Also, I know I COULD eat whatever I want really- I'm CHOOSING to do this because I want to see the results.  I LOVE the impact this eating/exercise plan is having on my body.  I'm almost 40 and getting into the best shape ever.  


We are upping my cardio to 45 minutes 5 days a week.  He actually recommended 5-6 days, but dang!  AND finally, we are training together about 4-5 days a week- up from 3.  I'm doing the cardio right before or after our workouts just to get it over with for the day.  

This has me pooped people!  I definitely need my sleep or I'm so out of steam in the mooring for the workouts.  These exercises we do are killer.  My heart rate is up the whole time, with maybe a minute rest after 3 sets.  

To give you an example, we worked LEGS today.  I did:

Inner leg machine (20 reps x 3- 40 pounds?)
Outer leg machine (20 reps x 3- 40 pounds?)  Not too bad, weight isn't that heavy.  Maybe I should up it next time?

Walking lunges (probably 200- I lunge up and down the gym 4 times.  No weight.)
Tire Tipping (outside- down a long row- up and back- 3x) That tire is f*&king heavy.  And dirty.  My hands were gross. 

Sled Pushes (outside- down a long row- 3x pushing, then pulling it backwards 3x- not sure the weight, definitely not as much as pictured below- maybe 25 pounds??) Feeling like a sweaty beast.  A strong sweaty beast.


Step-up on high step (15 on each leg x3)
Step-up on even higher step (12 on each leg x 3)  OMG- I'm short remember??!! 
Bike for one minute (x3)  Never has one minute felt longer.

Kettle Bell Plie Squats (30lb) my feet were each on a step, and I had to touch the kettle bell to the ground (15 reps, 3x) Dang these hurt, I have to stop mid-way through for a quick second.  Legs on fire.
Bike for one minute (x3) Are we done yet?!?! 

Then off to 45 minutes on the treadmill.  I alternated walking briskly at 3.8 no incline and incline at 15% at 2.5. 15% is as high as their treadmills go. Sweaty.  Sweaty.  Sweaty.  And hungry.  The end.  Until tomorrow.

Plant-Based Foods Prevent Hip Fractures

Alkalizing vegetables, fruits, and soy products appear to protect against hip fractures, according to a new study in The Journal of Nutrition.

Researchers followed the diets and hip fracture risks of 63,257 participants in the Singapore Chinese Health Study for approximately 10 years and found that those who consumed the most vegetables, fruits, and soy products had a 34 percent reduced

Selasa, 06 Mei 2014

Full Body Bio-Electro Scan

At PH Miracle we offer a non-invasive and non-radioactive Full Body Comprehensive Medical Diagnostic Scan, which includes a Full Body Medical Ultrasound (anatomical), Full Body Medical Thermography (physiological), Full Body 3D Bio-Electro (functional) Scan to identify asymptomatic and often life-threatening dis-eases in their earliest, most preventable and reversible stages.

Full Body

100 Scientific Reasons to NOT Eat Eggs, Beef, Chicken, Turkey, Pork, or Fish Flesh!

1.) Neu5Gc is found only in animal meat. Neu5Gc appears to have a strong link to cancer and heart disease.

Notes: Neu5Gc is not produced by the human body or our great ape ancestors (probably due to a common mutation). But Neu5Gc is usually always found in human tumors. The inflammation it causes seems to feed tumors and harden arteries.
Source: Diversity in specificity, abundance, and

Fishy Diet Does Not Promote Heart Health

Diets high in fish do not promote heart heath and may increase risk of heart disease, according to a study in the Canadian Journal of Cardiology.Researchers conducted a review of ten different studies analyzing the diets and health of Eskimos and Inuits in Greenland and North America. They found that Eskimos in Greenland have similar rates of heart disease, an overall mortality rate twice as


Rebounding is a affordable way of boosting your energy, getting your lymph flowing, losing weight, toning muscle, alkalizing your body and getting a great, all over workout - right in your own home. The rebounder exercises are simple to follow and are a low-impact, risk free, pain free exercise that

Minggu, 04 Mei 2014

An Urgent Appeal!

An Urgent Appeal

To all the clients and followers of Dr Robert O Young and the pHmiracle protocol to write a personal statement letter, testifying to the credible and beneficial value he has in changing and saving lives.

On behalf of Dr. Robert O Young and Dr. Ben Johnson, MD, we regretfully have to inform you that the pH Miracle ranch is not capable of welcoming visitors and treating

Sabtu, 03 Mei 2014

Education NOT Medicaiton - Self Care NOT Health Care!


Diabetes is a Worldwide epidemic that has no polictical party, no race, no culture, no religion, no boundaries, no borders and knows no country. It can effect anyone who does NOT understand its cause!  It is the fastest growing illness in children worldwide and is 100 percent preventable, treatable and curable.

The following email letter was sent to me from Dr. Mohsen Akhavan, a medical