I’m sure you’ve heard about these little healthy bacteria but probably aren’t sure what exactly they are or what they do. Well Crave Health intern Alyssa Reiser is here to tell you how great these little guys are and how you can help ease your digestion (yes including the thing no one talks about – healthy bowel movements) and care for your gut!
The FAO/WHO define probiotics as live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host. Translation: these are beneficial bacteria. That concept may seem counter intuitive at first - most of us have been taught that bacteria are dangerous to our health, and we attempt to eliminate them with antibacterial soaps and antibiotics. Probiotics, however, function to assist your immune system via recolonization of the digestive tract with “friendly” bacteria. Having a healthy population of gut bacteria is essential to having overall good health. Without them your body becomes inefficient at synthesizing vitamins, absorbing nutrients, and protecting itself against pathogens.
Probiotics are helpful for individuals who have an imbalance of healthy and harmful bacteria in their intestines. This can happen after taking antibiotics or suffering a bout of diarrhea. For many people, consuming probiotics on a regular basis has helped to resolve digestive issues. There is also evidence that probiotics may be therapeutic in regulating overall immune response and treating conditions including IBS, ulcerative colitis, eczema associated with cow’s milk allergy, ulcers, and yeast infections. Most people can safely consume probiotics, though it is recommended that you discuss the decision with your physician or dietitian first.
Good food sources of probiotics include yogurt, kombucha, fermented and cultured vegetables, and water kefir. Supplements are also available, and can be an important adjunctive source of beneficial bacteria for people with damaged intestinal mucosa. Most health food stores carry supplements in both pill and liquid form; look for a brand that has been refrigerated and contains at least 1 billion microorganisms per serving. There are general probiotics containing some of the major strains of healthy bacteria like Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) and Bifidobacteria, which are great for anyone looking to maintain a healthy gut. Some great general brands include: HLC Maintenance by Pharmax, or Align Probiotics. For those who have a gluten or dairy intolerance (or for children/adults who have Autism), there is a great specialty probiotic called “HLC Mindlinx” made by Pharmax is an excellent option. It contains a specific strain of bacteria, Lactobacillus rhamnosus (CLT341), which helps to digest any accidental gluten or dairy that is ingested.
In summary, probiotics are a great benefit to maintaining a healthy digestive system and are an easy and gentle way to care for your gut. Eaten in whole food form or via supplements they are a fabulous addition to your health routine!
Some prices & availability of probiotic supplements:
HLC Maintenance – 120 caps, $36.30 (tax included)
*Available at Crave Health
General probiotic great for those with already balanced digestion and gut health. Ashley takes this one daily ☺
HLC High Potency – 120 caps, $55.75 (tax included)
*Available at Crave Health
For those with current gut or digestion issues. Great to start with these until issues resolve and then move to HLC Maintenance.
HLC Mindlinx – 60 caps, $40.87 (tax included) or 60g powder, $37.13 (tax included)
*Available at Crave Health
Specialty probiotic for those with gluten or dairy sensitivity or for children or adults with Autism.
Align Probiotic – 42 caps, $47.07 (tax included)
*Available over the counter anywhere
General probiotic for those with or without gut issues.
**Please email Ashley@Crave-Health.com with interest in purchasing any of the above listed products.