The holidays bring a lot of nutrition related concerns and questions up, so I'm used to getting questions about portion sizes, how to eat out, what to do about alcohol, etc. But one of the most consistent questions that I've been getting this year is how to deal with the peanut gallery. It seems like a lot of you are facing nosy friends, family members and some people you don't even know who are butting into your food choices and looking at your plate at parties.
This is really common, but very annoying. People by nature are curious. They hear you are on some new fitness program or see that you've been losing weight and all the sudden you are the poster child for what they should be eating too. Or you get the opposite effect, the "But it's Christmas" or "Oh come on its just one cookie" or "You've been so good all week, reward yourself". Those people may be trying to support you or give you a pat on the back but what they are really doing is bringing you down and tempting you. Misery loves company. I mean, who likes to overeat and drink alone?
So what do you do?
The best solution is a one-liner. Come up with a simple sentence that kindly but firmly says "mind your own business".
For example:
"These are the choices I need to make to reach my goal, its just the way it I'd love your support!"
"I just have to be a little more focused on what I'm doing right now. When I'm at my goal I'll get to be more relaxed about it."
"It's being strong in these situations that's going to get me where I need to be, so quit negotiating with me and support me!"
Be honest with your friends. Food is a personal thing, but its also a very public and social thing so don't be surprised that people are paying attention to what you are armed!
Happy Holidays!